St George’s Red Bench

On Sunday the Anglican Parish of Maleny unveiled it’s first Red Bench in support of Speak Up Now’s efforts to raise awareness, educate and respond to incidence of domestic and family violence in our communities.

Members of St George’s Church were joined by Val France from Speak Up Now, Tanya Felstead from Red Rose Foundation, Councilor Winston Johnstone and members of Maleny Neighbourhood Centre and Rotary for the dedication, with more red benches to follow at the Anglican churches in Montville and Kenilworth.

Dedication Prayer

May God bless us with
with insight to recognise violence in all its forms,
and the courage to name it and seek justice.

May God bless us
with compassion for the vulnerable,
the grace to stand with them,
and the strength to journey with them to safety.

As we dedicate this Red Bench to the glory of God
and to the dignity of all the women, children and men that God loves,
may it be a symbol for us
of the power to tell a better story,
to transform this world with peace and justice
and change the ending for those who need it most.

(Australian Liturgical Commission / adapted)

By malenyanglican