Lest we forget

We remember each man, woman and child who has died
hoping the light of freedom, justice and humanity may shine…

We remember all Australians and New Zealeanders who served in the army, navy and air force during the first World War.
Make us good stewards of the freedom they won.

We remember those of other nations who fought beside them, and those who fought against them for their own countries.
Bring us all to the day when nation no longer makes war against nation.

We remember the physically wounded and the shell-shocked.
Bring healing and peace for body, mind and spirit to all who are scarred or disabled by war.

We remember the nurses, ambulance officers, orderlies and doctors who eased pain and saved lives.
Renew among us the vocation to heal the victims of violence.

We remember the prisoners of war and those who sheltered and sustained them.
Bless the work of aide agencies in war zones today.

We remember the mothers, wives, sisters, children who prayed and grieved for the missing and the lost.
Comfort all who mourn.

We remember the homes, livelihoods and communities destroyed by bombs and gunfire.
Have mercy on all who still live in the shadow of war.

We remember the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander volunteers who fought for a nation that did not recognise them as citizens.
Lead us towards true reconciliation with Australia’s First Peoples.

We remember the friendships formed in the turmoil of war and the loyalty and love that comforted the injured and the dying.
Give us grace to be such friends to one another in times of crisis.

We remember the peacemakers who prayed and worked to end the violence and destruction of the First World War.
Raise up peacemakers in all the war zones of the world today.

We remember the good neighbours, supporters and advocates for returned service men and women, war widows and fatherless children.
Make us generous in providing for all the survivors of war.

We remember those who died in battle or from their wounds,
we remember those whose names are written here,
who went from this community to serve….

Compassionate God,
as we remember the cost of this and every war,
Renew in us the longing for peace
and the will to work for it
with the conviction of the Christ
whose rule is love. Amen

By malenyanglican