‘God Says Yes To Me’ A Taize service for Rangebow Festival

St George's Anglican Church Maleny

As part of the Rangebow Festival program, St George's Maleny will host a candle-lit contemplative liturgy with the music of the Taize community in France. Featuring meditative choral chants and sacred words, this beautiful 45 minute offering reflects on who we are to each other and includes an opportunity to light a candle for lives […]

Ecumenical Evensong for Creation with Archbishop Jeremy Greaves

St George's Anglican Church Maleny

We celebrate World Day of Prayer for Creation with our Catholic, Uniting Church, and Lutheran friends. Archbishop Jeremy Greaves is our guest preacher. The Office of Evensong is a time-honoured Anglican tradition of sung evening prayer with the stunning Taize choir.

Maleny Street Stall

Fantastic baked goods and treats! Find us next to the Maleny Community Centre!

Blessing of the Animals – Maleny

A short, fun service of blessing to celebrate the all the furry, finned and feathery companions in our life and in the life of creation. Invite your friends, neighbours, grandkids and their creaturely companions (last year we even had a snake!) All creatures and their peoples welcome!!  9.30am Maleny

The Songs of Daniel Donahaye: CD Launch

St George's Anglican Church Maleny

The launch of Daniel Donahaye's new collection of vocal compositions. Proceeds benefit the Church and the Leprosy Foundation. More details to come!

Contemplative Taize

St George's Anglican Church Maleny

Taize is a peaceful time of prayers, poetry, chants and restful silence based on the approach of the Taize community in France. Everyone is welcome! Stay for nibbles after… Taizé is an ecumenical Christian community known for its simple and meditative style of worship. The emphasis on simplicity, silence, and prayer provides a unique opportunity […]

Taize for All Souls: Commemoration of the Faithful Departed

St George's Anglican Church Maleny

A beautiful service to remember our loved ones with poetry, candles, music and prayer. If you would like a loved one named in the service please contact the office. Everyone welcome to this beautiful service of memory. The Office of Evensong is a time-honoured Anglican tradition of sung evening prayer - with Kim Kirkman and the […]