Baptisms are easy to arrange but should be booked with several weeks notice. There is a form to complete, and a meeting with Rev’d Deb.
What is baptism? Baptism is a simple ceremony of washing in water practiced by Christians since the first century. It is a symbol of turning to God, and a sign of trust in the way of Jesus.
Who may be Godparents? Godparents are baptised people who are likely to remain involved and close to the child and family over the formative years. They are persons to rely on and emulate in their way of life.
The Symbols In baptism we are reminded that water is necessary for all life and growth. Oil of the chrism (Christ) is used to anoint the baptised with the sign of the cross which sets us apart as beloved of God, with a call on our lives to live fully and faithfully in the world. The candle presented at baptism is a symbol of the light of Christ that guides our way, and the calling to carry this light wherever we go.
When does Baptism take place? The Anglican church has a preference for the celebration of baptism within the main Sunday service which enables members of the parish family to affirm your promises and welcome you into the life of the community. However, private baptism may also be possible.
How much does it cost? There is no charge for baptism, however you are welcome to offer a thanksgiving donation to the church.
A service in which baptised Christians confirm the promises that were made for them at baptism. Confirmations are conducted by a bishop on his annual visit to the parish. If you wish to be confirmed, please contact the office to arrange suitable preparation.