2 Walkers Drive, Maleny
Services and Small Groups
Sunday 9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 5pm Taize (3rd of the month)
Monday 1.30pm Cursillo (3rd of the month)
Tuesday 9am Morning Prayer (Praying the Stories of Women)
Tuesday 2pm Taize choir with Kim Kirkman (It’s free. Everyone welcome!)
Thursday 10.30am Traditional Bible study
Saturday 9.30am Seasonal Study Group
Hall Hire and Memorial Wall Enquiries
Phone 07 5499 9130 or email: [email protected]
Prior to 1931, Anglican Church services were held in what is now the Maleny Community Centre, in Maple Street. In those days the building was known as the school of Arts.
Thanks to the efforts of parishioners, enough money was raised to purchase the Soldiers’ Memorial Church at Glasshouse. The wooden building was dismantled, and transported board by board to Maleny, where it was erected on land in Bunya Street, opposite the present Primary School.
The completed church was consecrated by Bishop Sharp on September 6th, 1931. Reverend Kestrel Cornish was the first priest in charge. In the early 1990’s it was decided that time had come to expand the church facilities. Land was purchased at the corner of Tallowwood Street and Walker’s Drive and plans were drawn up for a new brick church, hall and rectory. The new St. Georges church was dedicated on the 5th December 1993.