News and Resources

Australian Anglicans: Another Place to Party (latest articles)

Anglican Focus (latest articles)

Anglican Church Southern Queensland
ACSQ: Official site
The Ven Dr Lucy Morris, Archdeacon of the Sunshine Coast
> St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane
Anglican Schools Qld
Anglicare: Residential and Community Care services
Anglican Board of Mission

St Francis College Online Short Courses and Education
Anglican Identity
Faith Asking Questions
What Matters About Jesus
Being Anglican
Exploring the Bible
Understanding Worship
>  LA Handbook
The Role of LA’s
Readers and Intercessors Handbook

Equal Voices
Love Makes a Way
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

Uluru Statement 
A Voice In The Wilderness (Anglican Board of Mission study)
Common Grace
Red Shoes Walking (Glenn Loughrey is a Wiradjuri man committed to advancing the well being, culture and spirituality of the First People of Australia.)
Uncommon Prayers (Garry Deverall is a trawloolway pairrebeenener man, lecturer and associate priest.)

By malenyanglican